Ġeografija u Storja
Mappa ta` Għajnsielem
Ir-raħal ta' Għajnsielem jinsab fil-Lbiċ ta' Għawdex. Għajnsielem huwa l-ewwel raħal li wieħed jiltaqa’ magħhom malli joħroġ mill-Port tal-Imġarr. Ir-raħal jokkupa firxa estensiva ta’ art maqsuma fin-nofs b’wied li jinżel lejn il-baħar. From the geological perspective, one can say that the area is mainly composed of the Upper Coralline Limestone and on the periphery it is composed of Blue Clay Formation (around Fort Chambray). Furthermore, beneath Fort Chambray there is also Globigerina Limestone which overlies the Lower Coralline Limestone formation.